Milestone : Week 1! – Day 7/365

Yay! – 1 week is up since I started writing every day! I am surprised that I could pull off the first week! Even though I took up the challenge upon myself – without anyone forcing me to do so – I was 200% sure I will be able to put up for only first 3 days!

Apart from the mundane reason of lack of time due to countless activities that need to be taken care of on daily basis, I think it had more to do with lack of motivation and the ability to overcome boredom to just get up and start typing. Also, the fear of not being able to write good enough – something that is not worth the time of the person reading it.

But starting this project has aided me to throw away the lack of motivation, right out of the window! Also, quite honestly the limited number of followers on this blog majorly include family and some close friends! And, they have been more than supportive in ensuring that the enthusiasm levels are high up!

One thing that I really do need to work on is being able to write and edit faster. I need to bring the time down to 30 mins from 80 minutes on such short articles!

 If you are struggling too, to get started and to follow through any of your resolutions, I suggest, read on the top 5 things that I learnt from my experience –

1.       Whether it is writing, or any other task, ensure that you have an accountability friend / group. These people will ensure that you are on track with your challenge with constant cheering!

2.       Make a list – Everything works better when you plan. Write down the things you need to get started and things you need to continue. Sketch out a plan by breaking down activities into sub activities, and work on each activity step by step. Include due dates! These should make you feel bad when you miss them and content when you make it in time! 🙂

3.       Jot down potential hindrances to your big plan. For instance – One of the hindrance that I see with “Project 365 days” is “Topics”! How exactly do you come up with so many interesting topics? To overcome this, I have started reading a little more – it helps to open perspectives. Also, I try to be a conscious observer of my surrounding! I want to experience more, so that I can express it later! 🙂

4.       Don’t get into technicalities – When you are starting off don’t bog yourself down with the pressure of being perfect from Day 1. You will learn and master your skill as you progress. You are only human. Take it easy 🙂

5.       Finally, don’t forget to enjoy and cherish your journey! You are doing it because you want to DO it! That reason alone is ENOUGH!

That’s all for now, but I will keep you posted with the new experiences that I gather through this challenge!

Today’s song is a beautiful French Song called “Zaz – Je Veux“. Do look up the lyrics in your preferred language to enjoy it to the fullest!

P.S. – I have created a YouTube Playlist called – “Project 365 Days – Amidstlife which includes songs that are mentioned with each article! The settings are set to “Public” so that all of you can access it whenever you are in the mood to enjoy some new music!

– By Devisha Shah

3 thoughts on “Milestone : Week 1! – Day 7/365

  1. One week already!!! Time flies.

    Hope i can take a leaf out from your book and get some motivation to initiate few things i have in mind since few weeks. But then i feel i am only human and i need to enjoy and I literally take it very easy😜. Haha.

    Keep writing!!

    Speaking of motivation, what better track than Eye of the Tiger.

    Liked by 1 person

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